S&P500 (1) 썸네일형 리스트형 Factset Earning Report[2025.1.10.] 요약 정리 Factset Earning Report[2025.1.10.] S&P 500 Will Likely Report Highest Earnings Growth in 3 Years for Q4Based on the average improvement in the earnings growth rate during the earnings season, the index will likely report year-over-year growth in earnings above 14% for the fourth quarter.insight.factset.com SUMMARY예상 뛰어넘는 성장: S&P 500 기업의 4분기 수익 성장률은 11.7%로 예상되지만, 과거 추세와 보수적 가이던스를 고려할 때 실제 성장률은 14.. 이전 1 다음